someone has and and another point is the only praise for that and also for the minister of interior mr z. over comes from the right wing populists and there you can see what's the effect is if if you go forward like this so mr state not just want to get this straight are you saying that the domestic intelligence chief is essentially too close to the right wing that's at least how it seems given the things we see or seen in the last days and weeks and therefore he will have to prove what he says and otherwise and a lot of things we have seen. to lead us to the point to say that he's not the right person to lead the intelligence service to protect our constitution so you think you should step down. yes now the government i mean should do so. i just want to ask you mr second because the government has been criticized for not being tough enough on right wing extremism your party is part of the government have you failed to do enough. no in fact we have talked a lot about these things and that we have to fight right wing extremism rather than helping them out but as we could see in the last days th