the land itself and turan sisters explored in east wanting video by a south african artist sitting mr zanna. assault after artist in africa mr zahn is now celebrating his first solo shari in the u.k. . sure in my work here in london doesn't mean that there's a different audience but it doesn't mean that no one can necessarily connect with the work within the work you know there are traces of of people fighting their own humanity and of finding some way to within a landscape but also are fighting so often reflections that happen within these spaces the artists exploration of the landscape in history come a south africa grapples with how to rectify the inequality of landownership this body of work surfaces in a time where south africa is having conversations around land reform and changing the constitution to allow for that form and saw in part this body of work speaks about this assuring in of incest or spiritual realm speaking to issues of lead because the land is where the bones of our ancestors our rituals and traditions are exhibition visitors value this mix of the spiritual with the pol