mr. berman: they cannot. if the gentleman is yielding on his time to me. they cannot. you know, abe lincoln used to tell the story if you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a sheep have? and the answer is four because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one. no matter how many times the spector is raised this office cannot -- specter is raised, this office cannot and has no intentions or plans of doing anything to promote abortions, coercive abortions, fund abortions, lobby on abortion policy. it is a office that is focused generally on the issues of women's political empowerment, should women have the right to vote? should they be able to run for office? do they -- are they treated as equal citizens under the law? it serves as a promoter of better education for women and girls and a series of causes that you are known for caring about. and it does not -- >> reclaiming the time. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey controls the time. >> on the issue of multilateral organizations, like the organization for american states, the african union and others what can the role of thi