mr. alderson is against it. and he's got every right to do that do. but respectfully i think he is wrong. there are millions of people playing poker online and playing within a state that allows us like nevada and new jersey and four-five other states will allow it. they are playing on sites that are offshore. it is going to happen. it is happening. and i would hope at some point in time, he accepts the reality as the tides come in and the tides go out and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, adults with free choice in the united states and around the world are going to play poker for money on the internet. his company is in one of the best positions to offer those services and make sure the games are honest and fair. so his opposition, while is sincere, isn't going to succeed in the end. it would be better having him tell us the best way to do it than an effort to stop it. >> host: why not then open it up beyond poker to blackjack or slots? >> guest: poker is skill. i play low-level and low-quality poker some would say. but i break even an