mr. alonzo. okay. is there any other comment on the directors report? okay. we'll move on to report on item no. 10. a report on the disability disaster preparedness committee. >> thank you, the disability disaster preparedness committee or ddpc met on friday january 3, 2014. there was a large turnout with representative from several city agencies, from community based organizations as well as interested members of the general public. committee members spent time reviewing the ddpc accomplishment in 2013. they included participation in last may's golden guardian exercise in which people with disabilities actively participated with people seeking shelter after a disaster. participation in a civic center evacuation drill and a significant increase in attendance and participation at ddpc meetings. following that was a lengthy discussion of the ram ification of a federal court decision for a disaster plan for people with disabilities. the committee review the documented comment conveying a variety of topics including physical evaluation issues, shelter, culture, a