mr. alvardo gonzalez. todd david. and corey smith. thank you for your time. please go ahead. >> they were referring to a previous agreement between you guys and the college in 1991 where there was an exchange of property and i suggest that before you go forward with this kind of an agreement you look into the precedent-setting procedures that are in place from a similar situation 25 years ago. there's a seeming rush on you. and i ask that it be postponed at least until research can be done and checked out for the appropriate legal opinions. some suggest that the college has been sufficiently involved and that can be challenged on the grounds that represent the college's interests did so while acting as administrators and trustees during the years of the now-proven illegal takeover of the college. many of these individuals have since left or been removed from the district and i think of any legal fair reading would point out that college hasn't had proper input since 2012. legal challenges come from a variety of sources. for that reason, it would be more prude