mr. armentraut, can we get follow-up on that? this is the first time i've heard students had to pay to receive credit recovery course. >> we'll make sure we follow-up. next speaker, please. >>> hello, my name is brenda barrels and i have like four grand kids that are in the public school system. and i have one of my grand sons that started off the first four five years of school with straight as. and after that i don't know what happened in the following year in the sixth year, in the sixth grade, but everything fell apart. he doesn't want to go to school. now he's in high school. he doesn't want to go to school at all. we can't get him to go to school. so, something happened within the schools that turned this kid who loved to learn, was an honor student, and turned him into somebody who everybody walking on the street would be like the community problem. so, this is very important. i didn't even know thises what going to be here today, but i'm glad i found out about it. and to me one of the things, discrimination is a problem i