mr. auble: the rules and restrictions on where you can work in you leave the government and incoming from the private sector are relatively straightforward for congress. senators have a two-year cooling congressd for lobbying . house members have a one year. and staff has a one year as well with some restrictions on them contacting their own offices that they work for. -- that they worked for a. the situation with the executive branch however is a little more fluid. recent history, basically revolves around executive orders. in, theyesident comes decide how restrictive they want to be. for instance, l clinton using executive order barred former officials from lobbying the people they worked with for five years which is pretty targeted and was not a blanket restriction across the whole executive branch. george bush did not have a similar policy. and when obama came in, transparency and good government was something he had not made an important part of his campaign and on his first full day in of