mr. barros and live in an sro and we had an outbreak in the building. no new movie-ins basically their rooms were infested and the management actually moved the people knowing that it was infested. the two prior tenants basically left because of that situation. as for myself i had sleepness night because of this. i'm on administrative leave without pay right now from my job, due to the fact that i had bed bugs and i got treatment basically i'm waiting for the final inspection from the health inspector. so that is not until november 1st. so all together this is going to basically be about close to two months for me. basically being without work. and that hinders me personally. when i first got the bed bugs in my room, basically i called management. management came in -- management also is best pest control and what they did was basically came and sprayed the surrounding bed area and left. i had to call them back at 10:00 to basically come and re-spray. unfortunately i had to throw away more than half of the thingings of my belongings. so fortunately for