with that, i yield to senator baucus for comments he may wish to make. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i think this has been a good initial meeting. i join in with mr. reed and the big benefit of the open conference is to get to know each other a little bit. i've heard a lot about you, al, but i like you. [laughter] it's good we're meeting here like this, and same with other new members of the congress. that's great. i hope we can continue open conferences. i think it's something we should pursue. second, i'm very impressed with the general unanimity here. everyone agrees we should extend the payroll tax cut for a year. i've heard nobody disagree with that. i think there's general agreement, too, more than general, no one -- could be difference of opinion, but everyone wants to continue ui. we all want to give continued access for our seniors to medical care. we all agree to that. you know, there's not a lot here that we disagree on. now, contours might change a little bit. there's a question of extraneous, that's a little in the eyes of the beholder, but i urge all of us when we meet