mr. been rosenfield.e have confirmation that all newly elected and continuing members of the board have been bonded as required by the san francisco administrative code. supervisor chiu: moving to the third item on the agenda, the oath of office. the honorable dianne feinstein has had a family emergency and will not be able to join us. it is my distinct honor to introduce the assistant presiding judge in the state california and city of san francisco who will administer the oath to the newly elected and reelected members of the board of supervisors. here is the honorable judge cynthia lee. thank you for joining us. >> it is an honor to be here to swear in the new members of the board. i am honored and delighted. this is truly a san francisco event. i am extremely pleased to be here. supervisor chiu: i would like to ask all the members of the board will be taking the oath to please rise and join us in the front for a better photo op. [applause] [laughter] please stand right in front here. >> we're waiting