mr. ben bradshaw. >> it is simply not the cases at him prime minister claimed earlier that the prime ministerollowed the normal process of news corps executives have taken over sky b. >> if you don't follow the correct legal processes you will be judicially reviewed and all the decisions that you'd like to make from a political point of view will be struck down in the courts. you'd look pretty for a day but useless for a week. .. this is going to make a huge difference to our schools, and 13 years they had to produce the premium. what did we get? absolutely nothing. >> the prime minister. >> thank you, mr. speaker. with permission, i would like to make a statement on afghanistan. this government has sought to take a more hardheaded, where security-based approach to our mission. as i said, we are not there to build a model democracy. yes, if we can improve infrastructure, develop education, encourage development, but we are in afghanistan for one overriding reason, to ensure our own by helping the afghans take control of theirs. that means building of the afghan security forces so we can draw