mr. president, is senator udall's constitutional amendment and that of senator bennet, the good senators from new mexico and colorado who have joined together on a very important issue. we're going to consider that. the first vote will be tonight. mr. president, we have had in this country a flood of very, very dark money coming into this nation's political system which is threatening to tear apart the fabric of american democracy. during the 2012 presidential campaign outside groups met about $1 billion. that's as much outside spending as took place in the previous ten elections. now, this year, mr. president, -- last year was a presidential election, so the moneys focused on the senate and house races -- they will again break all records. this spike in the amount of money being pumped into the system is not surprising, as alarming as it is. recent decisionses rendered by the supreme court of the united states, citizens united, the mccutcheon case, have destroyed our campaign finance laws, have left the american people with a status quo in which radical billionaires are attempting to buy