cathy ruso, and announced that mr. benny wo ng is nominated by the commission to become an additional member of the advisory council and we also have reports from the field, both are parts of the aging and adult service came to clarify the guidelines to the advisory council, regarding the site visits that we make to the agencies that are funded by the department of aging adult services. the presentation was very informative, and the packets that they gave us was very or had, showed the questions that they asked, so as to when we as the council members go out will not duplicate and ask the same types of questions and we as council members go as consumer and not as a staff member from the department. our education committee trains at the center, and that is part to develop, to mr. mario and narara of the department of aging and adult services, this is, marcy, myself, and also, mrs. patty clement, are doing very well and they are well and attended and our next training will be in october. and we had a call for a nominating comm