mr. berndt, and she actually watched mr. rndt feed this little girl a vanilla cookie with a white gooey substance on top with red sprinkles. she watches him take pictures. she then has a conversation with mr. berndt saying things like, well, ask her if she liked the cookie. so clearly, we think that information should put the l.a. county sheriff's department on notice that they need to investigate this third teacher, because she may have been facilitating and/or aiding and a b betting mr. berndt in carrying out these lewd and lascivious acts. >> clearly that is something we haven't been able to get any evidence on. the sheriff's department hasn't been able to get back to us. there is a time difference which we recognize as well. we've also asked the superintendent, mr. john deazy, to come on and that has not materialized, either. thank you for coming on. we do appreciate that. >> sure. thank you, ashleigh. >> thanks for joining us. we continue with helga honley. >> i'm here for brooke baldwin. a s srk assad blasts syria. we c