mr. beuller and the commissioner's comment about being specifically about the historic resource, term, in the policy of, generally in this section to -- >> [inaudible] >> yeah. so i think we can talk about overall comments. >> okay. >> commissioner. >> i have three. as part of the next steps we're going to have an opportunity to review all nine objectives and the draft text for that. will that also include implementation measures or will that be in two separate -- >> shelly [inaudible]. yes the complete document are the objectives and policies and implementation measures. that's the way the draft currently exists and we would keep it in that format so i think when we bring the complete document to you implementation measures will be a section. >> and do you have an idea when that will be? is that after the -- [inaudible] >> that's a great question. we're going to kick off our public comment period in early september. we will have an open house at the old mint we hope but we're working on that, and we don't want to finalize the document until we have gone through a thorough public co