we will go right to our witnesses, let me start first with mr. beuse.lcome him back, can come and all of you and thank you for your cooperation today and he is the administrator of the vehicle safety national highway traffic safety administration. welcome, and your recognized. bring the mic up as close as you can so we can you. >> good afternoon, chairman mica, chairman hurd, ranking member duckworth ranking member kelly, members of the subcommittees. i appreciate this opportunity to testify about how the national i would traffic safety administration, or nhtsa, is addressing emerging challenges associate with new connected vehicle technologies. in 2013 there were over 5.7 million vehicle crashes in the united states a result in 32719 deaths. the consequences of these pressures range from personal tragedies that will impact individual families for ever, to the billions in economic dollars that we can actually mentored. nixes mission is to address a crush an increasing use of connected and automated vehicle technologies we believe can help us do that. wh