mr. bilbray. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. mr. bilbray: thank you, madam speaker. first of all, this is not offshore. this proposal is next door. these are our neighbors. second of all, this is not just about great opportunities economically for america. we hear people talk about the environment. when you recycle so-called replace your cell phones, where do you think they go? they get rebuilt and shipped down to our neighbors to the south so they can have the economic opportunities, they can have the learning opportunities. this is the kind of cooperation we want to see in our hemisphere. but to attack panama, which is the leader of showing how they can stimulate an economy with almost 10% growth, to attack panama, showing, allowing the working class access to recycled material, environmentally friendly, but economically uplifting, to attack that kind of agreement on this floor and then say that you're for the environment and you're for helping the poor, don't come to this floor and say you care about the environment, you care abou