mr. bilirakis: mr. chairman, i yield three minutes to the gentleman from ohio, my good friend, mr. johnson. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. johnson: mr. speaker, i rise in strong support of h.r. 1615. i got an article here that's enentitled, california city gives celebrity chef an exemption for his restaurant to use gas stoves. well, of course they did. but let's look how this happened. it was reported that while the progressive city of palo alto, california, has a natural gas ban for all new buildings and renovations, a policy that democrats are trying to enact all over the country. the ban doesn't apply to everybody. mr. andre's lawyers said he couldn't cook with the proficiency and precision he desires. he is forced to use electric stoves. and the city council gave him an exemption to the rule. not for family-owned restaurants or working-class families, just him. those who are not families. he is a chef very popular here inside the washington d.c. beltway and his left-wing activism and li