reasons one to shout out the amount staff and you don't think mirror owe to polsinelli husch blackwell appreciate mr. rosenberg our staff worked countless hours and helps toe teach eve of those 786 in the course individual we have a staff comes every weekend and teachers housing authority outside of their hours our staff that barely makes means meet raised thousands of dollars john mirror has it share of target but we put our personal agendas aside and a list of our student address strategize with our community and with the strategies we support our students xhaechl and socially we have an amazing team have teachers, parents and staff that team was led by a principle chris that served as a mentor teaching math daily you can find him in classrooms celebrating student loren and pushing into teacher planning meetings and making visits with me you'll find him at student performances under the leadership of chris rosenberg students achievement has climbed our parent community has grown in numbers and leadership and staff voices have not been louder i came here 5 years ago i followed him, i building in pi