mr. blecher i should say. has made it clear i assume in he wrote to the lette his wife telling her to go ahead and negotiate a sale to the team? >> he wrote a letter to the league authorizing her to negotiate. he understands the emphasis is on negotiating. she believes he's authorized her completely to sell the team. i'm not sure there's a meeting of the mind on the wording of that letter. but in any event, we have backed off while she's undertaking to try to sell the team in the expectation that could, could, i want to underscore could, lead to some negotiations to resolve the matter. we have not wanted to step in because i think, and mr. sterling thinks, if we file a lawsuit, those buyers are going to run for cover. so you want an answer why we haven't filed a lawsuit? out of respect and deference to what mr. sterling is doing to try to bring about a resolution, but the nba hasn't gotten off its you-know-what one inch to meet us halfway. >> a final question, you've been very generous with your time, mr. b