mr. bob nardelli sent us, thanking us for how we participated in the nardelli challenge. in a flat market, they asked us to buy extra cars, sell extra cars and we did exactly that. this is one of two that we received. >> i don't want to disturb your presentation, but we do need to keep presentations to about five minutes. and so those who would simply, you know, read their written. your statements are already in the record, all of them. so you just pick and choose what you want to talk about. >> okay, i will do that. number one, i will say there are many, many people. we have a senior citizen base. our community, spencer, wav wav, the people, if you take my dealership, if they take my dealership, if general motors and chrysler takes my dealership, my customers -- and i'm a customer there also -- will have to drive an hour to an hour and a half away. there's one old lady that i love dearly. she's 79 years old. she lives 30 mile ace way from me. i pick her car up, service it, take it back to her. how many metropolitan area dealers are going to do that. we are the face of th