mr. bollinger. the item before you is the certification of the final environmental impact report for eir for the proposed sentences go enterprise zone. a copy of the draft is before you. it was published on december 3, 2009. the public hearing on the draft eir was held january 28, 2010. the public comment. closed on february 8, 2010. it was published industry did on july 1, 2010. theeir found that the zone would not result in significant environmental impact. the motion before you certifies that the contents of the report are adequate and accurate and you wish the final ier to comply with cqa guidelines. we have someone from the mayor's office to answer any specific questions you may have with regard to the program. this concludes our presentation on this matter unless members have any questions for me. thank you. vice-president olague: i just want to move to certify the fine eir. commissioner antonini: second. >> thanks for the answer in the comments and responses. my question is who benefits from