mr. boujnah: frankly, i don't know about the others.t i can tell you is that euronext, as a united diversity company, has been able to achieve, over the past few years, as we have done with the irish exchange, as we have done with ups. we do know within the european context, within the model where each exchange is a part of a decentralized governance model, we do know how to make cross volatility. as for the others, i don't have any particular views. each exchange is a successful exchange. we are about to embark on a new plan where we are the leading european market infrastructure to be more present in different asset classes, to be much more present in different pieces of the value chain, in particular where we are going to grow significantly in data. and definitely in corporate services. position ton a continue deepening our projects to a leading european infrastructure. nejra: and you've been talking about transformational m&a industry to teach it -- strategic -- in the strategic plan you put out. how would you find it? would you go