mr. bowden continue in that seat and i don't want to waste anyone's time by allowing other members to believehat there is a possibility, if there isn't. i just want to basically take that one off the table so i then give everyone else a fair shake in terms of some of the other seats listed here. that's my reasoning and i respect your decision, but i really definitely want to be able to move that particular seat forward. >> your reasons are well taken. [speaker not understood]. >> okay. >> i just want to note that for the record. so, let's have a vote. >> supervisor breed? >> aye. >> aye. supervisor cohen? >> aye. >> supervisor yee? >> no. >> the motion was to not proceed? >> it was to support robert bowden for seat 4, so, it passes. >> it passes. >> right. that means that now the seats that are in play are seats 1, 2 and 3. >> yes. >> correct. so, now i ask my colleagues for a motion to continue seats 1, 2 and 3. >> second. >> mr. chair, would you like to continue to the call of the chair or to our next rules committee meeting? >> to the call of the chair. >> thank you. >> okay. so, it by con