mr. bowman. >> good afternoon, chairman levin. my name is john bowman, i am a career federal employee. during the height of the financial crisis after about five years as the agency's chief counsel. it is not a role that i sought, but i am honored to serve. my written testimony summarizes ots' supervision of washington mutual or wamu and the reasons why wamu failed. it is important to note that this failure came rat no cost -- came at no cost to the deposit insurance fund and to the taxpayer. unlike the near collapse of some of the nation's largest banks which were deemed too big to fail and, therefore, provided government assistance. the demise of wamu came early in the procession of more than 200 banks and thrifts that have closed during this crisis. lifelines, such as the treasury's t.a.r.p. program and the fdic's increase in deposit insurance coverage, came too late for wamu. during the real estate boom before the crisis, wamu and other financial firms made a critical error by widely underwri