mr. boyd: thank you, madam speaker, and i thank the gentlelady from california for yielding. madam speaker, as a longtime advocate of restoring fiscal responsibility in washington, i rise in strong support of h.r. 2142. this is an issue, madam speaker, that i worked on for many years, including my time in the florida house of representatives, at which time i personally authored a bill which does many of the same things. and we affectionately came to know that bill as performance-based budgeting. that's a novel idea, isn't it? p.b. squared, as you know. many of you know that i am a member of the blue dog coalition. this bill is one step of many that will move us towards these goals of effective and efficient government. h.r. 2142 requires the people closest to the ground that are directly involved in government programs to assess those programs and live up to the goals and standard that have been set for their programs. this is helpful to the federal agencies. it's helpful to the taxpayer and i