mr. boyd was going to join us but canceled about ten minutes ago. i want to read you a little bit of their statement on their wieb, the california teachers association. part of it says we look forward to hearing more information and hope the new guidelines that the governor said would be released next week will create a coherent statewide plan rather than creating more confusion for parents and school districts, so they like the framework but they wane to hear the details. all right. we will be getting the school board perspective. joining us for more is tony flint, the spokesperson for the california school board association. tony, thank you so much for your time today. >> not at all. thanks for having me. >> yeah. i want to ask you, the governor says this plan was formed with a lot of input from the cta and from the school board. from your perspective, how well does this framework, you think, work for the school boards? does it support them enough to allow them to be open? >> i think what the governor presented today is an encouraging platform for