mr. brasha able to avoid prosecution in new york again? do you feel your department failed? well, obviously, it's not the outcome we wanted, but zoran brasha has managed to avoid prosecution everywhere until now, and it was our intelligence that helped lead to his capture. commissioner! (reporters clamor) and i think... what's important to john coogan-- and his other victims and their families-- is that zoran brasha is now behind bars where he and his organization can no longer prey on anyone. and... whether those bars are here or in eastern europe is ultimately immaterial. the good guys won. (reporters clamoring) (knocking) what's up? i've made my choice. i want to go to columbia. okay. why? it's a great school. it's my mom's alma mater. and my friend melissa got in, too, and her family has an apartment right off campus, so she says i can live with her, and that way you won't have to worry about paying for housing or a meal plan or anything. well, you're talking pretty fast there, kiddo. something else driving your decision? no. just feels right. well, i want you to broaden