mr. brodsky.ny and the civil suit filed by the victim of a violin to bar room beating in 20 07 shue return to the stand today followed by witnesses of chicago police we are in the newsroom now with today's developments the question for jurors is was there a police cover-up in the case today to high-level members of the chicago police department contradicted each other's testimony in court. first on the stand this afternoon was deputy superintendent debra kirby who was questioned about misdemeanor compliance per detectives had him sign kirby said we shouldn't have had her sign a misdemeanor complaint because we were going after felony charges she was talking about felony charges she said she wanted right away against off-duty chicago police officer anthony of ponte who was caught on surveillance video in february 2007 beating petit bartender care lena but kirby's testimony was contradicted by the very next person on the stand, sergeant joseph salic who confirmed that after watching the videotape in