mr. washington. all right. welcome, miss brown. >> i like to use the overhead. i'm here in support of max carter always. don't you see this? he has made a resolution for to show that unsolved homicides i'm a mother who've lost a child to murder and i've been at the police commission every wednesday i've been there longer and some of them that have come come and go come and go but none none of them have never done what max carter has done. you see this resolution for two paid tipsters to to come forth for four homicides, cold cases who has never no one has never done this and i commend him and i'm really sad that that they're going to get rid of them. >> look at these unsolved homicides. >> tell me how many mothers are going to are going to be happy when our cases get solved. >> look at them. look at these unsolved homicides, all of them look at them. look at what i have to deal with march quarter over stone has given me some some hope hope this is what they left me of my son. look at all the unsolved homicides so you can put the camera back on me. >> but i just