i was standing behind this group of people as i walked in to city hall today, and i saw mr. brunosaying, don't worry, i have a script for you. and it really hurt me. it personally hurt me he would sit there and try to besmirch my family and say we're foreigners, coming in for a bad notion or bad idea to do this, when it's completely and utterly false. and as my brother showed you, it's his own self-interest to keep his private park space. i hope you see through this charade. and you do what is right here and follow the law, thank you very much. >> president breed: thank you. next speaker, please. if there are any other members of the public who would like to speak in opposition to the appeal, please line up to your right. >> good afternoon. excuse me, good evening. my name is rick sa vary, i live in north beach. i was born in san francisco, my dad -- 92-year-old dad was born in san francisco. my mom grew up here and passed away a few years ago. i want to iterate what was said here, was that the family has lived here for almost 100 years. his mom lives up the street from me and has