mr. buchen's point comes into effect there.if the congress has it within its power to act positively, then the congress has that obligation to go forward. congress can cut off the appropriations. assuming that we exercised some form of affirmative action to sp the president's actions, if we go to court, should the court decide this issue or assert the political qution doctrine saying it's a political question between two separated powers? think the court should assert the political question doctrine because you have two conflicting provisions of the constitution. article i, section 8 gives congress the power to declare war anraise and pport armies. article ii, section 2 gives the president power as commander in chief. it's a situation where the congress' only real power is to assert itself with regard to public opinion and try politically to bring the forces in the couny against at the president is doing. the system should work that way, rather thahave unelected judges come into the process to determine these matters and inject