mr. bueller just said, so i need not really repeat them. i understand the need to have a neglected building brought to new use and to have investment and community benefits. those are all very worthwhile goals. we all want that, we all want more housing, however, there are alternatives, and as we look at this situation, the land next to it where the reading room and new church are going could provide those opportunities. i know the information sent to you by mr. bueller also included a couple of examples, both in seattle and in brooklyn where churches with high integrity like this one were preserved intact, and taller towers using their air rights were built. it was mentioned this one was going to be 130 feet. there are 20 story buildings around it. there's clearly potential to go higher if air rights are being used. once you lose historic assets, they don't come back, so we would ask you to really rethink this one. if there's a way to retain the historic asset, use the air rights to get all of the good of new housing community benefits and