mr. bueller said there was survey work that was being done around this property. has anything appeared in terms of historic district. >> there was a district that was nearby that was looked at as part of this, and we determined the criteria for that district did not include this district. while there are, you know, a variety of residential properties that are along this stre street, there is, you know, different levels that are expressed, so it doesn't necessarily rise to that level of confusion that we would look for. so there's some nice examples of building, but that's true of many residential neighborhoods in san francisco. >> so in 1967 junior league, i happened to turn down this street, put a footnote in there about this building, would it be considered historic? >> that is the departments policy, yes. >> if somebody drove down the street, and the windshield survey, and they did one of those nice forms in pencil of which my house has one, would it be considered a resource or not? >> no. >> commissioner richards: office never adopted? okay. maybe we should co