he's mr. bumby. he's hemingway's first born and that's what you see here. you see him in paris with hemingway in 1925. grows up in france, learns french pretty well. learns his way around the french countryside. by the time of world war ii, he's taller than his dad. here you see him with ernest and h his half brothers and he's draft age. he's in and out of college at the beginning of the war and eventually joins the army. no special treatment. he becomes an mp officer. it's probably not something that he would have picked, and he certainly would not have picked the mp battalion in which he wound up which was a battalion of black mps. i don't think he was particularly racist, but this was not a coveted assignment. anyway, he made the best of this. he went off to north africa with this group. it was mostly rear echelon work, so you're enforcing regulations, handing out speeding tickets, arresting people selling black market goods, that sort of thing, and bumby gets kind of antsy doing this kind of work. he figures there's has to be more to war than enforcing