mr. bussone, or antonio, or whatever?they call me [indistinct]-- >> i know, that's fine. >> well, because i find it pretty surprising that persons representing, uh, a town and the people of the town, and a town that has been hit very hard with this plant that closed almost one year ago, and 128 people lost their jobs-- it's difficult for me to understand why you would, uh, express that kind of an opinion. "well, i don't--i don't like-- i'm not happy with this company." why would you say that? >> when you came into town, you said you were going to buy off fishermen. i am not happy using taxpayers' dollars to subsidize you to compete with me and the other people in the business. >> that money will never go to purchase of property and it will never go to purchase lobsters. >> you're holding all of these hundred jobs. it's basically a hostage for this grant. >> no. >> no. >> absolutely not. i'm buying the property, i will reopen the plant, after we go through the site plan, after that they get harassed with things that we no-