mr. camarota and mr. rector. mentioned that immigrants in their home countries don't have much knowledge of healthcare systems. they don't have healthcare or they receive healthcare from the government. and i'm wondering# what the ri of medical tourism is, whether or not we're aware of e sysm to go through to get medical coverage in the u.s.? >> yeah.6dq that's a great question. that's a reasonable question. i man, i think -- i'm not sure about the risk -- it can be a lot of people numerically and it can be millions or even billions of dollars, whether it would be a very large fraction of the whole healthcare pie. but, remember, obviously, people who would engage in healthcare tourism would be mostly the most affluent. who find they can't get insurance in their home country and they're aware of it and they can afford the plane ticket. they can afford to navigate the visa process which obviously millions and millions of people do every year. so what you would not expect is a person, you know, who's not literate c