mr. canseco: this agency created by dodd frank is a threat to the privacy of every american citizen and no place in the system of checks and balances such as ours. repealing the o.f.r. will save $270 million over 10 years and americans will be better off for it. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas, mr. hensarling, is recognized. mr. hensarling: mr. speaker, i yield myself the remaining minute and a half. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for a minute and a half. mr. hensarling: mr. speaker, the american people know that after the nation's first, second, third, and now fourth trillion dollar deficit, the american people know after the worst employment record in 30 years, that the problem is with the president's economic policies and ultimately this debate comes down to this. do we have a debt crisis because washington spends too much or because the american people are undertaxed? my colleagues on the other side of the aisle say a nation can tax its way into economic growth, tax its way into economic prosperity. they want