. >> craig fonaro, lance carnes, steve taylor. >> good afternoon, mr. fonaro. >>> hi, thanks for giving me time to speak. can you hear me? first of all, i want to say that these new options that you have come up with are fabulous if, in fact, they're going to happen. but based on this report that i'm reading, i don't think that they ever will. i don't think february 1st, 2013 is near enough time to take on these new options. and i think that it's funny that february 1st, 2013, is probably two days before you're going to start digging the trench on columbus avenue. also it seems like to me, based on our future or our past business together, that this is an item to a bees us when the real serious matter is paragraph 3, which says, if we can't do options 3 or 4, we're going to do what we had originally intended. i think that's all i had to say. >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> lance