mr. carnes, you have three minutes. we can't hear you. >> okay. am i on now? >> yes, we can hear you now. >> thank you. let's see. mr. buck, on the very same day as the removal hearing, he wrote me an e-mail saying he couldn't understand what the problem was even though he spent like a minute and a half taking us to task for bringing this stuff up. secondly, regarding latitude longitude, i've corresponding with several buf inspectors with google maps. google maps uses the latitude longitude points in the database. the followup was not done. mr. buck pretended he didn't understand the issue this and that and when the director's decision came out, it did not include any followup as to whether there was a discrepancy or a disconnect. and, you know, this whole thing could have been resolved in you know, a half an hour. so instead it took two months. as far as i can tell he waffled and shied away from actually facing the problem. so here we are two months later and i read in his response brief that he did change the values and that's all that needed to be done. that