mr. chadner has served as the chairman on the physical access committee forum for more than 5 years and has chosen to resign to pursue other interests and activities. the council expresses its deepest gratitude and appreciation for howard's volunteering on this committee, his leadership and caring for the community at large. always he has let participate papts have their time, express speech and opinions on issues vital for san francisco's well-being. he has an inclusive style. certainly he will express his opinions. both strong-willed and well thought out. john paul scott, the deputy director of the mayor's office on disability, will discuss some of the major projects that he and chadner have shepherded through the community. the list is impressive though these projects howard promotes accessible design, good design and most importantly, universal design, design that seeks to meet and exceed the needs of the broadest range of people's needs and disabilities. after each meeting chairman howard will provide the council with a very detailed report of the committee's activities. he will forwar