mr. chan. mr. haney. >> yes. >> miss maufas. >> yes. >> miss mendoza-mcdonnell. >> yes except for items 1 6,7 and 8. >> thank you. doctor murase. >> aye. >> thank you. miss norton. >> yes, on all except for 2f, and 4b -- i'm an employee of the san francisco parks alliance. >> miss wynns. >> aye. >> miss fewer. >> yes. >> superintendent's consent calendar resolutions, for board discussion and immediate action. there is none. superintendent proposals there are another. item f is matt's resolution, that is done with. board members support standing committees. a report from the ad-hoc committee on personnel matters and labor relations? commission haney. >> i am asking for $1 million -- no, i'm asking for a report, but we could move on to a report -- >> the personnel committee? i gave that report at the last meeting. >> that is great. report from the budget and business services committee, november 5th, did you give that one already? >> i did not give that one already. so the budget and business service