mr. chandler: i think that is the point.--they pride themselves on decentralized finance but when i see the survey of people looking at the ip addresses of the ownership, it looks like something like this. crypto is born in a country with great disparity in wealth and income. the crypto space is picking that up. large retail hands. you say bitcoin is around $33,000. i think most of the coins are owned by those who have 100 or more which excludes the average american -- median family is only $65,000 or so. there is not much to accept. some people see diversification and it doesn't seem to be correlated. it's -- emily: we know china is cracking down. it will waiting for regulations --some regulation is coming. how much could that further debt than momentum of this market? will it completely change? it's -- mr. chandler: there are two big challenges coming up. one is regulation. first, you talk about china. you say they are cracking down on crypto. they are enforcing a rule that has been on their books for several years. the fi