to revise the recommendation that is in the and so the first measure is simply, the bill 35, by mr. chiu and on page 4 of the matrix. and it will increase the state tax credit, level, for low income housing to $300 million. and at the state level, and which allows access to several 100 million dollars in additional federal funding, by doing so. and this is, and we will recommending support on this measure. and the city and county. >> ab, 1335, on page 18. and this is speaker atkins measure, and dealing with the affordable housing as well. and this is, very similar and drawn from and the senate bill, 391 from the senate last year and which was supported by this organization, and that would authorize the i am possession of a fee of 75 dollars, and it is supported by the city and county of san francisco. and we are recommended, well, joining in support, and the amount, raised of trying to figure that out in talk to the folks and look at the analysis, and it is full to quantify in terms of the total amount and it is several, 100 million dollars, and which they believe, and it would be used t