market was in existence the owner lost money the last 5 years tried to sell his business and later mr. choi purchased the building but failed in his venture the place was available for hardware and grocery stores and anyone the neighborhood would have liked when we as neighbors asked someone to come to take the space that was the ask and the ask has been made, however, the hardware storing or on independent store has to want to come after guatemala with mesosteers we would like to rent to an independent grocery store he's had to handle the lease for months what's the most practical and best possible outcome by combining momma's and shortening is space and adding the market it becomes a community project it has evolved all citizen groups are engaged that is a great day in san francisco someone from the neighborhood is going to be able to open a space that's been vacant for quite some time i know the metabolism for going about it may not have been the ideal thing but i think at this point in time it is the most prudent to do this is not a rubber stamped project but it is time after time the s