mr. cianci: it was not political correct in those days. he made a buck and a half a week, and i said to do what, and he said i don't care, make him an ink roller on your desk. so i gave him a job, fast forward 25 years, tweak five years later, i am sitting in the same office, and everyone expects me to be there, and the little person -- by this time, they have become a little person, climbs in the office, climbs on the same chair, closed his legs, and he said, "they are really screwing me, mayor," he said i know i'm getting my pension, i what my disability pension. i said that is why we hired you, because you are disabled. why do you think you get a disability pension when you are not hurt on the job? i don't know if you got it, i don't think you got it. but as time went on, we had a lot of fun. political parties by my definition are nothing more than a group of people organized for one purpose, they take over the government by nonviolent means. that is the political party. and i did not have the support of the city council on first ran, b