and very similar to what mr. claig said yesterday as did steven thernstrom. and that is minorities, i agree there's individuals that may not want to go to college and may not be right for college. and there may be other opportunities for. you all tend to make these blanket statements as you did in your concluding remarks. minorities shouldn't really try for this. they're going to be disappointed. and you point to the fact that the wealth gap has not been narrowed for blacks and whites since the 1960s. and then you say they come to school -- they come to higher education not prepared because the system k-12 didn't prepare them well. you're blaming a community for a playing field that was set by discrimination in the past and discrimination in the present. as fabian fefr put yesterday on this point. the fact that wealth is such a huge divide, particularly with african-american communities is that up until the 1950s, they were prohibited from purchasing the asset of a home. which by and large is the main asset of wealth of minorities because of discrimination. t