but you could see eye to eye with adam clayton powell, sugar ray robinson, and mr.en, the butler, and powell. i think it is best summed up like this. on the day marshall was nominated, he was in the white house, and there were three african-american butlers. they were serving tea and refreshments. one of those butlers was eugene allen. mr. allen lived and work, lived sometimes, he slept over a lot, at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, the most powerful address in the world. in the 50's, much of the 60's, he could go back to his native virginia, and could not try on a suit in a store. now, he is serving thurgood marshall. thurgood marshall had seen how the law can subjugate blacks. thurgood marshall, i know, look at those black butlers in the white house, and his mindset was, i am going to keep using the law to elevate you. and that, to me, is why i love the majesty and mystery of history. [applause] >> with that, thank you very much. [applause] lets thank wil hagood for an engrossing conversation. we are running a bit long, but we have time for a couple of questions from th