mr. cochrane, sir.may take this opportunity, if i may be so bold, if you are to settle here in candleford, you would be best served, sir-- if i may pass on to you some insight, some knowledge of the way of things-- conform, sir. there is a proper order to things, and the man who resists that is the man who falls. knowledge, sir, will save us. oh, it's you. pearl. since we have returned, i have wanted-- i-- i have foolishly-- oh, ruby, will you please... hold me? "and then the moon wrapped in clouds "as the thunder sounds. "zeus hurls rain and hail "from the heavens down "but thomas forges forward "on his postal rounds! "his sallies take him from brackley, "like a sailor under blackening skies-- "never daunted, ever redoubtable, he reaches the shores of lark rise--" uh, thank you, mrs. brown, you certainly have given us an epic. ( applause ) mr. parish-- daniel-- uh... concerning our earlier conversation, it would mean a great deal to me if you would consider remaining with us. my sister-- we both so enj